The spinous process is the bone you can feel when running your hands down your back. The lamina covers the spinal canal, which is the large hole in the center of the vertebra through which the spinal nerves pass. The body of the vertebra is the primary area of weight bearing and provides a resting place for the fibrous discs which separate each of the vertebrae. There are 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae.Īn individual vertebra is made up of several parts. Each section is made up of individual bones, called vertebrae. (Below the lumbar spine is a bone called the sacrum, which is part of the pelvis). The normal anatomy of the spine is usually described by dividing up the spine into three major sections: the cervical, the thoracic, and the lumbar spine. When Shoulder Replacement Surgery Is Necessary.When EMG Nerve Conduction Studies Are Utilized.What does hip arthroscopy surgery involve?.What Shoulder Replacement Surgery Involves.What Electrodiagnostic Testing Involves.The Role of Epidural Steroid Injections.The Difference Between Total and Reverse Shoulder Replacement.

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